Our first full day of vacation and Ed’s birthday all happen today. It was a perfect weather day, and we drove out to Mt. Charleston this morning. This is one of the things ya just gotta love about God’s creation. It got up to 80 degrees here in town, and there was still snow on the ground in Mt. Charleston. He sure knows how to make awesomeness (Is that really a word? The speller didn't kick it out! And everyone knows that these spellers are perfect, right?).
This afternoon we went to a place called Red Rock. It was spectacular! The mountains, the colors, all the different looking vegetation. Ed said it right when he observed how you can look at mountains and just know they not the Rockies or the Smokies, they just look different.
One of the more interesting sights along the way, that I noticed, was cell towers being camouflaged by very tall palm trees, ummm. I thought it actually very funny. I can hear it now “No, we don’t want a cell tower in our neighborhood, of course we want cell service though.”
"Ok, I have an idea…let’s hide them! We will make them look like palm trees! Brilliant!" Creativity; something I lack, but can sometimes appreciate.
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