I did it! I finally got through and posted all my pictures tonight. Then I sent an email out to all my friends and family inviting them to see my pictures (actually it comes with the territory on Shutterfly).
Sometimes I feel funny letting everyone know I have posted pictures. Do they feel obligated to look at them because they are my friends? Do they enjoy looking at them? Do I post too many and it gets boring looking at them?
Don't know if I'll ever really know the answer to these questions, because they are my friends and will say nice things about them (regardless of what they are really thinking or feeling). Guess I need to thank the Lord I have friends that will do that, right?
No, my friends wouldn't lie to me, they are my friends! And maybe some of them really do like them. I like looking at other people's pictures. I really do. But I am always looking for inspiration for my pictures. Now really, is that selfish?
It doesn't really matter, I still love my friends. Whether they look at them or not, I am grateful I have friends to send the link to. God has truly blessed me.
Speaking of blessed, how about Ed? He had to endure me wanting to pull over and jump out and take a shot over and over again. There we are walking down the street and all of a sudden he realizes that he alone because I have stopped to take some pictures. He really is a great guy!
Just in case you are one of my friends, and I missed you on the email, here is the link to my pictures: http://edvickipics.shutterfly.com/ Here is the cool part; you don't have to ever admit that you didn't look at them. I will never know! Isn't technology wonderful?