Wednesday, April 27, 2011

In His Name!

Our executive pastor spoke today, and something finally hit home with me. Thanks, Garry.

When you are an executor of someone's will, you are expected to do things according to their wishes. That means it is your responsibility to find out what that person has in their will, and then carry it out to the best of your ability. You will be honoring and obeying their request by doing so.

They gave you that authority over their will. They did so, not because you attained any kind of status, they just chose you...over everyone else they knew. They trust that you will abide by their desires on their their name. (Maybe they just liked you!)

I never related that to the ending of a prayer when someone says "in the name of Jesus...."

Jesus is giving me authority to execute His will. Me! Not because I work at a church, not because I volunteer a lot of hours, but because He loves me, no other reason. I have been given the authority to execute His will.

Wow, all that finally sinks in! (I always said I was a slow learner!)

Now comes the hard I have to be still, ask, and listen to what His will really is. No one said this would be easy! The question is, am I up to the challenge?

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