Monday, July 11, 2011

What to blog about today...

Seems kind of silly to have a blog page and not blog much. I had such great expectations when I started all this. Now I am trying to recount what they were.

Was I trying to keep my family (and friends who read it) up to date on what is going on in my life? Maybe I trying to capture all my deepest thoughts in hopes of inspiring someone (yea, as if!)? Was it just to ramble on about nothing to practice my typing skills? How about just complain to the world and get it off my chest so I could feel better (after all it is all about me, right?). I got it! It is to document my life and thoughts in the cloud forever and ever! Um, I very much doubt that one!

Nope, still haven't figured it out yet. Maybe some day I will figure it out. I do blog better when on vacation, and that is just next week! So who knows, maybe something will happen then. I know you just can't wait, uh?

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